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Kezia's Fund


Kezia’s fund was set up to support mental health amongst children and young people in Jersey and will provide grants and support to organisations that are working to address the issue.

Grants will typically be between £5,000 - £20,000, however smaller and larger applications will be considered.

Overall Aim: Projects should seek to support the mental health of children & young people and their families.
We are keen to see applications from organisations that have involved young people in the development of ideas, design and delivery of projects. Kezia’s brother Ben and local representatives will be involved in the assessment of applications and decision making.

The fund aims to:

  1. Increase and/or improve mental health and wellbeing provision for children and young people in Jersey

  2. Empower young people to develop their own initiatives

  3. Enable young people to take an active role in the designing and delivery of activities in their community



  • Grants will typically be between £5,000 - £20,000, however smaller and larger applications will be considered.

  • The fund will prioritise activity supporting children and young people aged 5 – 25 years, but other age ranges will be considered.

  • Funding can build on current activity and/or develop new provision.

  • Funding bids should include an amount for organisational overheads if applicable. For example, this could include a contribution towards your rent, overheads, management and administration costs.

Examples of activities that could be included
You know best about what would support good mental health and well-being for children and young people in Jersey. We are very open to considering a wide range of different projects and are keen to have a variety of activity going on, accessible across the Island, to support young people’s mental health. Activities could be:

  • Sports

  • Music

  • Arts

  • General Youth Sessions

  • Counselling

  • Developing support networks

  • Family counselling

  • Mentoring

Who should not apply/ what work will not be supported

  • Individuals

  • Private Businesses

  • General appeals or sponsorship

  • Work normally funded from statutory sources

  • Work undertaken by or on behalf of statutory bodies

  • Work for the advancement of religion

  • Work where the main beneficiaries are animals

  • Work which does not directly benefit people living in Jersey

  • Overseas holidays or trips

Donate to Kezia's Fund here
Make an online donation to Kezia's Fund, or donate by making a bank transfer using the below details:
Account name: Jersey Community Foundation
Sort code: 40-25-33
Account Number: 31896032
Please put ‘Kezia’s Fund’ as the reference if you are making a bank transfer


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