Working with Professional Advisers
Helping your clients make the most of their giving
As individuals understanding of social needs and their role in supporting their own communities increases, there is a growing interest to learn more about philanthropy and effective charitable giving and the options available to them.
High-quality advice and guidance in this area is becoming increasingly important.
We work with lawyers, accountants, financial planners and investment advisers, helping their Jersey-based clients to give locally and most importantly, give effectively.
We find that, given the opportunity, giving to local causes in the places that matter most to them is highly rewarding for donors. We can help you go the extra mile for your clients, connecting them to a wealth of advice and support to achieve their charitable goals in a tax-efficient, simple and rewarding way. Our unique named fund service offers all of the advantages of having a charitable trust, without any of the hassle.
We can help you to support your clients with:
Leaving a legacy of gift in their Will
Reducing the administrative burden of an existing trust
Setting up their own personal fund to support the causes they care about
Setting up a fund in memory of a loved one
Setting up a fund for their business to help them achieve their corporate social responsibility objectives
Finding opportunities to share their skills and expertise with good causes
Whatever your client’s interests or goals, we’re here to help them change the world on their doorstep.
Benefits to your clients
Jersey Community Foundation is an ideal vehicle for philanthropists wishing to structure their giving to local charitable organisations in an efficient way. We make charitable giving to local causes stress-free, easy and enjoyable.
By working with us, you and your clients can benefit in a number of ways:
We are local
Your clients’ funds will be used to support the local community in which they live and work. They can visit projects and see for themselves the positive impact that their charitable giving achieves.
We are impartial
You may feel reluctant to recommend specific charities to your clients. We do not favour any one particular cause of theme.
We are flexible
With a named fund, your clients choose the causes they wish to support. Grants can be made to charitable causes and not just registered charities. Clients can change their focus at any time which enables them to respond quickly to emerging social need. Clients can be involved as little or as much as they like in the grant-making process. Anonymity can be maintained if desired or publicity achieved, dependent of preference.
We are quick and efficient
We can set up a personalised fund as soon as the client is ready rather than waiting several months to register as a charitable trust.
We make giving easy
We promote the fund and invite applications from community groups and review them, carrying out the due diligence to check validity and synergy with the client’s wishes. We arrange for grants to be made from the fund and undertake end of grant monitoring to ensure the money has been spent on the project and to measure the impact it has made.
We are knowledgeable
We have excellent knowledge of local community need and connections to community and voluntary groups that make a difference to local communities, so can match your clients’ interests to effective projects, causes and initiatives. Our regular local needs assessment research provides evidence-based data and insight into the local needs.
We are here to stay
If a client leaves a legacy in a will today, it is possible that the charity or cause they wanted to fund is either no longer in existence or in need of assistance by the time the Will comes into effect.
We are transparent
We ask for a contribution towards our operational costs for managing a fund which varies depending on the size and type of fund and we agree this, up front, with fundholders. We operate with a very low overall administrative overhead, which means that more money can go out in grants to the community.
We carry the financial and legal responsibility
A personal charitable trust can be time-consuming and costly to establish and administer. The onus on trustees is increasing – to invest and monitor the investment of funds, to ensure regulations are followed in grant-making, to meet the stringent needs of accounting requirements under the SORP as well as the independent scrutiny of the accounts. With a named fund at Jersey Community Foundation, all these responsibilities lie with our Board of Directors.
Above all, because our service is personalised and very flexible, it is very likely that we will be able to find a solution that meets, and maybe even exceeds, your clients’ needs and expectations, which we hope would help to strengthen your relationship with them further.
To Get in Touch
If you would like to learn more about how Jersey Community Foundation can support you on your philanthropic journey, email Anna