In June 2022, Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee. To mark the milestone, The Jersey Community Foundation have created a Platinum Jubilee Lottery Fund to support projects that help the community celebrate the heritage of the Queen’s 70-year reign.
It is anticipated that the Government of Jersey will approve a bank holiday, from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June, which will provide an opportunity for communities and people throughout the Island to come together to celebrate this historic milestone. The four days of celebrations will include public events and community activities with information to be provided by the Bailiff’s Chambers.
The Platinum Jubilee Lottery Fund is made possible with funding from the Channel Islands Lottery proceeds, which in 2020 raised almost £1.4m for good causes in Jersey.
It is hoped that any project put forward will bring together many members of the community and give everyone chance to get involved and enjoy this momentous occasion. Priority will be given to projects that fit into the three key themes that have been approved by the Bailiff, and that underpin the broader programme of events that will take place over the Jubilee weekend in Jersey.
Theme 1: Young People – to ensure that young people can enjoy and understand the significance of the Jubilee Anniversary and to provide a lasting memory of this very British and unique celebration;
Theme 2: The Environment – to fulfil Her Majesty’s appreciation and will to protect and promote the environment, climate and natural landscape;
Theme 3: Tradition – to preserve and recognise Jersey’s longstanding loyalty to Her majesty and the Crown, in service and community.
The Bailiff, Mr Timothy Le Cocq commented – "the announcement of the lottery fund provided by the Jersey Community Foundation is a real opportunity for community organisations, groups and interest groups to come together and mark the Jubilee anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen in their own special way. I am particularly grateful for the Foundation’s inclusion of the themes identified for the anniversary in 2022 and I hope islanders will embrace these themes as we release local plans for the June celebrations.
Anna Terry, CEO at Jersey Community Foundations said “We are excited to be able to launch our Platinum Jubilee Lottery Fund, to give people across the Island the chance to come together to celebrate the heritage of this historic milestone and strengthen cultural involvement and opportunities in our community. ”
Christmas lottery tickets are still available to buy, with the first prize now being over £565,000. This prize money will continue to rise until the day of the draw on the 23 December, and the more tickets sold, the more proceeds will go to good causes locally.
Full guidance on the fund can be found on the Jersey Community Foundation website:
Applications will open on 1 January, and organisations can apply online.
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